Stage Seven, the first of the Mountain stages in the 2007 Tour, brought us a surprise ending with virtual unknonw, Linus Gerdemann, taking line honours as well as the Yellow AND White Jerseys. The scenery along the route was beautiful - I wonder if the riders are able to enjoy the views like those of us watching from our couches...
Yesterday's Phil and Paul Bingo link alerted me to the fact that some of our participants who are new to the Tour might not have had the pleasure of listening to Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen's commentary on the Tour! Phil and Paul must be among the most famous sports commentary duo in history. Liggett has covered over 30 Tours de France. Both Phil and his trusty sidekick, Paul Sherwen, are well known for their many catch-phrases which help bring the pathos of the Tour to life for cyclists and armchair cyclists alike. (and which are featured in the Phil and Paul Bingo game.)
Stage Eight promises to be a good one. After starting out with some relatively low-key climbs of the first 70km, the route takes on a 16km climb of the Cormet de Roseland, and heads over two more summits before an uphill finish. Brutal! This will be one to watch, so plan to stay up late or get up early, depending on where you are in the world... you can catch up on your sleep later!
A quick knitting update...
Ozknitter has finished her Tour socks and has named them the Canterbury Dash in honour!

Westozcaat is on-track with not only her green jersey goal - she's finished the back of her Kate Gilbert jumper; she's also finished Clue 2 of Mystery Stole 3, therefore achieving her goal for the polkadot jersey. Ann not only has a new bike to be happy about, she's making great progress on her Mermaid! Check it out - she's become so inseparable from her new bicycle that she's taken to knitting in the saddle!

Christina has finished one of her Tour socks (AND a lace scarf!):

Kristen is one-third of the way through her gorgeous Lady Eleanor Stole. The aptly-named Stitchy Fingers is making perhaps the world's most carefully tailored pair of gloves ever! Teabird's poor socks have hit the frogpond, while Leslie is a bit comme ci comme ca about her Baudelaires. Blogless LIsa has emailed an update that she's stuck on Row 20 of her Tomato, eagerly awaiting the bust dart instructions from Knitting Daily. (C'mon K.D., you're like a crazy cycling fan blocking the route here, get a move on!) And Natalie has spent the first week of the Tour spinning up some gorgeous yarn to use in her Tour project:

And today's recipe is brought to us by Barbara - who doesn't love potato salad? Here she does it French style.
A bientot!
wow, all that knitting makes me tired... or it could be because I'm up over an hour earlier than normal on the weekend?
I will definitely continue to enjoy your daily updates and will be ready for next years Tour KAL. Thanks.
Best Phil qoute from last year but mentioned again this year... saying Robbie McEwan "threw off the Invisibility Cloak ala Harry Potter" to come out of nowhere and win his stages. ( I am a bit of a HP fan as well.)
I forgot earlier (because I was still so sleepy) that I loved seeing all the "art" (as the commentators called it) on the sides of the road yesterday!
I love these updates!
Did you all giggle as hard as I did to see Borat running along the side of the road in his bright green thong?
And mmmm, potato salad! Thank you for the great updates!
Has anybody seen the devil guy this year? I saw two pitchforks drawn in the road in today's stage, but no devil...!
Alert Alert Alert!!!! The green jersey jumper has temporarily been abandoned as a baby jumper has to be knit bfore the weekend. Wish me luck!
Natalie, your spun yarn is beautiful :-)
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